heart chakra tea

from €9.95

heart soothing, opening & relaxing herbal elixir

Chakras are energy centres within the body, that play a role in regulating bodily functions, from physical to emotional processes.

There are seven main energy centres, and each one has its specific function and color, and is connected to specific organs and feelings.
In the hectic modern lifestyle often times the chakras are out of balance or even blocked, which causes disruptions within our bodies. Essential oils, herbs and crystals can help the chakras rebalance and heal.


The heart chakra is the fourth chakra and is located at the centre of the chest where the heart is. It is the chakra that connects the lower three material and earthly chakras to the higher spiritual ones. The heart chakra is all about our ability to love ourselves, those around us and the world we live in daily, and it can be imbalanced by stagnant feelings of grief, anger and sadness. Our heart chakra gives us a feeling of openness and blissful peace when balanced, but when it becomes unbalanced we can feel closed up, lonely and all sorts of other negative limiting feelings.
A broken heart or stressful events can also bring about heart chakra imbalances.

Heart chakra colors: green, pink and white

● A balanced heart chakra:
- accepting attitude
- tuned in with giving and receiving unconditional love
- self-love
- ability to practice forgiveness
- empathetic nurturing and compassionate attitude
- being able to take care of oneself first
- feeling of peace about oneself and the world
- love for and connection with nature and all of creation

● An unbalanced heart chakra:
- jealousy, possessiveness, co-dependent relationship and arrogance
- being overly-hard on oneself and others
- lack of boundaries
- self-victimization and martyr attitude
- resentment and inability or unwillingness to forgive
- conditional love

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heart soothing, opening & relaxing herbal elixir

Chakras are energy centres within the body, that play a role in regulating bodily functions, from physical to emotional processes.

There are seven main energy centres, and each one has its specific function and color, and is connected to specific organs and feelings.
In the hectic modern lifestyle often times the chakras are out of balance or even blocked, which causes disruptions within our bodies. Essential oils, herbs and crystals can help the chakras rebalance and heal.


The heart chakra is the fourth chakra and is located at the centre of the chest where the heart is. It is the chakra that connects the lower three material and earthly chakras to the higher spiritual ones. The heart chakra is all about our ability to love ourselves, those around us and the world we live in daily, and it can be imbalanced by stagnant feelings of grief, anger and sadness. Our heart chakra gives us a feeling of openness and blissful peace when balanced, but when it becomes unbalanced we can feel closed up, lonely and all sorts of other negative limiting feelings.
A broken heart or stressful events can also bring about heart chakra imbalances.

Heart chakra colors: green, pink and white

● A balanced heart chakra:
- accepting attitude
- tuned in with giving and receiving unconditional love
- self-love
- ability to practice forgiveness
- empathetic nurturing and compassionate attitude
- being able to take care of oneself first
- feeling of peace about oneself and the world
- love for and connection with nature and all of creation

● An unbalanced heart chakra:
- jealousy, possessiveness, co-dependent relationship and arrogance
- being overly-hard on oneself and others
- lack of boundaries
- self-victimization and martyr attitude
- resentment and inability or unwillingness to forgive
- conditional love

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heart soothing, opening & relaxing herbal elixir

Chakras are energy centres within the body, that play a role in regulating bodily functions, from physical to emotional processes.

There are seven main energy centres, and each one has its specific function and color, and is connected to specific organs and feelings.
In the hectic modern lifestyle often times the chakras are out of balance or even blocked, which causes disruptions within our bodies. Essential oils, herbs and crystals can help the chakras rebalance and heal.


The heart chakra is the fourth chakra and is located at the centre of the chest where the heart is. It is the chakra that connects the lower three material and earthly chakras to the higher spiritual ones. The heart chakra is all about our ability to love ourselves, those around us and the world we live in daily, and it can be imbalanced by stagnant feelings of grief, anger and sadness. Our heart chakra gives us a feeling of openness and blissful peace when balanced, but when it becomes unbalanced we can feel closed up, lonely and all sorts of other negative limiting feelings.
A broken heart or stressful events can also bring about heart chakra imbalances.

Heart chakra colors: green, pink and white

● A balanced heart chakra:
- accepting attitude
- tuned in with giving and receiving unconditional love
- self-love
- ability to practice forgiveness
- empathetic nurturing and compassionate attitude
- being able to take care of oneself first
- feeling of peace about oneself and the world
- love for and connection with nature and all of creation

● An unbalanced heart chakra:
- jealousy, possessiveness, co-dependent relationship and arrogance
- being overly-hard on oneself and others
- lack of boundaries
- self-victimization and martyr attitude
- resentment and inability or unwillingness to forgive
- conditional love

Sencha green tea, jasmine flowers, rose petals, rosemary, lemon verbena, white lotus

● Sencha green tea: green tea is considered by many to be the healthiest drink on earth. It contains a very small amount of caffeine, which is known to improve mood, alertness and cognitive functioning. It also has been shown to lower risks of cancer and stimulate fat loss. It boosts metabolism and is great for digestion in general.

● Jasmine: Jasmine flowers, when steeped into a tea, are an amazing stress relief. They can also help relieving cold and flu symptoms, while relaxing and soothing the whole body. Jasmine also has mood enhancing as well as hormone balancing properties. It soothes and opens the heart, it has a soft and loving energy that can help balance out emotions and the heart.

● Rose: this romantic flower has been used in Chinese medicine for over 5 thousand years. It can boost the immune system, treat sore throats and boost metabolism. It also works wonders for the health of your skin and hair. Rose tea is a natural diuretic and can help with urinary tract infections. It is the flower of love and passion, and is one of the best herbs to soothe and soften the heart. Rose can help with emotional healing and can help raise the body's vibration, opening the heart centre to let unconditional love in and at the same time expand it into the world.

● Rosemary: This delightful Mediterranean herb is a great antispasmodic, making it a wonderful herb for muscle pain and stiffness. It stimulates the circulation of oxygen and nutrients in the blood through the body, which improves memory and helps relieving headaches. Rosemary, when inhaled, has gentle mood improving properties. It is a warming herb and it can help comfort and also strengthen the heart space.

● Lemon verbena: this herb has been used for its medicinal properties for centuries, especially for relieving muscle spasms, reducing fevers, for digestive health and many other ailments. This herb is loaded with powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents.
It has been found to aid with digestion and also with joint and muscle pain, as well as with infections. It has an opening effect on the heart centre.

● White lotus: a potent healing flower with a strong spiritual energy and healing presence. It works along and on all seven chakras and promotes feelings of relaxation and tranquillity. It is also a mild euphoric herb, which can help the mind feel content and uplifted. White lotus is a symbol for purity and peace, and as a flower that blooms from thick mud, it symbolizes the beauty and power of blossoming from darkness and hardship. It has been used traditionally for spiritual and physical healing, and as a tool for spiritual awakening and connection to the divine.

Dosage: 1 teaspoon per cup. Add more or less depending on taste.

100% Natural | Vegan | No flavoring, aromas or coloring added.

DISCLAIMER: All of our products are handmade in our private property and have not been evaluated by the FDA. The ingredient information that we provide is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. The information we provide is not intended to represent or replace the advice of a medical professional. The buyer is responsible for testing for allergies and spot test products 24 hours before using them. Stop using immediately if an allergic reaction, redness or irritation occurs. We are not responsible for the misuse or reactions to our products. Usage is always at the buyer's own risk. Please reach out to a professional for any possible contraindications and/or interactions with medications. Always inform your doctor about all herbal remedies or supplements you are taking.

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