Throat chakra Tea

from €9.00

breathe free , release and express

Chakras are energy centres within the body, that play a role in regulating bodily functions, from physical to emotional processes.
There are seven main energy centres, and each one has its specific function and color, and is connected to specific organs and feelings.
In the hectic modern lifestyle often times the chakras are out of balance or even blocked, which causes disruptions within our bodies. Essential oils, herbs and crystals can help the chakras rebalance and heal.

The Throat Chakra, also known as Vishuddha chakra, and it is the centre of communication, truth and authenticity. It is the main centre of expression, and is mostly associated with speaking up and voicing one's truth wholeheartedly and compassionately.
This is also the chakra of listening and associating with others.
This chakra can be limited or blocked by social conditioning or lack of self-confidence or awareness. It embodies the principles of integrity, honesty, originality and authenticity in social contexts, but also within oneself.

Throat Chakra colors: blue

● A balanced throat chakra:
- Confidence
- Courage to speak up for oneself and one's truth
- Clear boundaries and self-respect
- Ability and willingness to put one's own emotions and feelings into words
- Clarity about one's purpose
- Good inner as well as outer communication
- Connection to oneself, others and the spirit realm
- Respectful speech

● An unbalanced throat chakra:
- Poor boundaries
- Unwillingness to listen to others
- Abuse of foul language and the urge of insulting others or oneself
- Feeling uncomfortable with saying no
- Suppression of emotions
- Disconnection from oneself and others
- Lack of control over one's speech, mindlessly speaking one's mind without filters
- Lying
- Self deception
- Excessive secrecy or shyness
- Excessive fear of speaking

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breathe free , release and express

Chakras are energy centres within the body, that play a role in regulating bodily functions, from physical to emotional processes.
There are seven main energy centres, and each one has its specific function and color, and is connected to specific organs and feelings.
In the hectic modern lifestyle often times the chakras are out of balance or even blocked, which causes disruptions within our bodies. Essential oils, herbs and crystals can help the chakras rebalance and heal.

The Throat Chakra, also known as Vishuddha chakra, and it is the centre of communication, truth and authenticity. It is the main centre of expression, and is mostly associated with speaking up and voicing one's truth wholeheartedly and compassionately.
This is also the chakra of listening and associating with others.
This chakra can be limited or blocked by social conditioning or lack of self-confidence or awareness. It embodies the principles of integrity, honesty, originality and authenticity in social contexts, but also within oneself.

Throat Chakra colors: blue

● A balanced throat chakra:
- Confidence
- Courage to speak up for oneself and one's truth
- Clear boundaries and self-respect
- Ability and willingness to put one's own emotions and feelings into words
- Clarity about one's purpose
- Good inner as well as outer communication
- Connection to oneself, others and the spirit realm
- Respectful speech

● An unbalanced throat chakra:
- Poor boundaries
- Unwillingness to listen to others
- Abuse of foul language and the urge of insulting others or oneself
- Feeling uncomfortable with saying no
- Suppression of emotions
- Disconnection from oneself and others
- Lack of control over one's speech, mindlessly speaking one's mind without filters
- Lying
- Self deception
- Excessive secrecy or shyness
- Excessive fear of speaking

breathe free , release and express

Chakras are energy centres within the body, that play a role in regulating bodily functions, from physical to emotional processes.
There are seven main energy centres, and each one has its specific function and color, and is connected to specific organs and feelings.
In the hectic modern lifestyle often times the chakras are out of balance or even blocked, which causes disruptions within our bodies. Essential oils, herbs and crystals can help the chakras rebalance and heal.

The Throat Chakra, also known as Vishuddha chakra, and it is the centre of communication, truth and authenticity. It is the main centre of expression, and is mostly associated with speaking up and voicing one's truth wholeheartedly and compassionately.
This is also the chakra of listening and associating with others.
This chakra can be limited or blocked by social conditioning or lack of self-confidence or awareness. It embodies the principles of integrity, honesty, originality and authenticity in social contexts, but also within oneself.

Throat Chakra colors: blue

● A balanced throat chakra:
- Confidence
- Courage to speak up for oneself and one's truth
- Clear boundaries and self-respect
- Ability and willingness to put one's own emotions and feelings into words
- Clarity about one's purpose
- Good inner as well as outer communication
- Connection to oneself, others and the spirit realm
- Respectful speech

● An unbalanced throat chakra:
- Poor boundaries
- Unwillingness to listen to others
- Abuse of foul language and the urge of insulting others or oneself
- Feeling uncomfortable with saying no
- Suppression of emotions
- Disconnection from oneself and others
- Lack of control over one's speech, mindlessly speaking one's mind without filters
- Lying
- Self deception
- Excessive secrecy or shyness
- Excessive fear of speaking

chamomile, eucalyptus, peppermint, lemon zest, lavender, cornflower, basil

● Chamomile: this popular flower is mainly known for its calming effects, but is also an amazing immune system booster and stress reducer. It has been known to soothe anxious feelings, and to overall elevate the mood. Thanks to its content in glycine, which is a compount that relieves muscle contractions, this flower works wonders as a period cramp remedy. Chamomile also relaxed blood vessels, which also improves cramping.

● Eucalyptus: This herb is a great detoxifier as it clears toxins from both the air and the body. It is an anti-bacterial agent, which makes it amazing for healing wounds and cuts. It also is very efficient for clearing sinus infections and mucus, boosting respiratory health. It furthermore strengthens the immune system and eases stress and anxiety.

● Peppermint: peppermint is another wonderful herb for your tummy. One of its main effects is that of muscle relaxation, which promotes proper bile flow and peristaltic movements, resulting in better digestion. It also supports the gallbladder and liver's functions, while at the same time strengthening the immune system and relieving congestion.

● Lemon zest: lemon zest tea can be very beneficial for many different aspects of your health. It helps improving bone health, treat oxidative stress and reduce cholesterol and fat buildup. It also promotes the eradication and elimination of toxins throughout the body, and takes good care of oral health too.

● Lavender: this is a heal-all herb and all-round soothing and healing remedy. It can help with digestive issues like upset stomach, bloating and nausea. It also relieves pain such as from migraines, toothaches and sores.
It also is a great relaxing agent and can aid with wound healing.

● Bluebottle: also known as cornflower, this is a decongestant flower, and also aids with soothing irritation of the skin. It also is great for digestive health and works as a diuretic too, helping the body detox.

● Basil: This warming mediterranean herb can help relieve bloating and at the same time boost digestive fire. It has a high content in vitamins such as A, C and K, as well as essential minerals like magnesium and calcium. It is highly beneficial for digestion, and can be especially effective for constipation as well as loose stool relief.

Dosage: 1 teaspoon per cup. Add more or less depending on taste.

100% Natural | Vegan | No flavoring, aromas or coloring added.

DISCLAIMER: All of our products are handmade in our private property and have not been evaluated by the FDA. The ingredient information that we provide is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. The information we provide is not intended to represent or replace the advice of a medical professional. The buyer is responsible for testing for allergies and spot test products 24 hours before using them. Stop using immediately if an allergic reaction, redness or irritation occurs. We are not responsible for the misuse or reactions to our products. Usage is always at the buyer's own risk. Please reach out to a professional for any possible contraindications and/or interactions with medications. Always inform your doctor about all herbal remedies or supplements you are taking.

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