crown chakra tea

from €9.95

an offering to the divine light within

Chakras are energy centres within the body, that play a role in regulating bodily functions, from physical to emotional processes.
There are seven main energy centres, and each one has its specific function and color, and is connected to specific organs and feelings.
In the hectic modern lifestyle often times the chakras are out of balance or even blocked, which causes disruptions within our bodies. Essential oils, herbs and crystals can help the chakras rebalance and heal.


The Crown chakra is also known as Sahasrara chakra, which means "a thousand petals" in Sanskrit. It sits like a crown on the top of our head, radiatin energy and light upwards. This chakra is closely connected to the brain and nervous system, and is energetically also closely related to the root chakra, as they are the two extremities of the chakras system.
It is associated with higher awareness and states of consciousness, the sacred and formless realms, liberation from limiting patterns and beliefs, and at last pure bliss and presence in the Now.
It is the center through which we get into contact with universal energy and the astral realms.

Crown chakra colors: pink, purple, white

● A balanced crown chakra:
- connection with one's higher self
- balance between spirituality and worldly matters
- self-nourishing
- overcoming of addictions, blockages and patterns
- self-awareness and universal awareness
- energy and vitality
- alignment between work and passions

● An unbalanced crown chakra:
- confusion about one's purpose
- lack of inspiration
- apathy
- cynicism
- addiction to spirituality or being completely out of touch with spirit
- desire to oversleep
- poor coordination
- fatigue
- tension headaches

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an offering to the divine light within

Chakras are energy centres within the body, that play a role in regulating bodily functions, from physical to emotional processes.
There are seven main energy centres, and each one has its specific function and color, and is connected to specific organs and feelings.
In the hectic modern lifestyle often times the chakras are out of balance or even blocked, which causes disruptions within our bodies. Essential oils, herbs and crystals can help the chakras rebalance and heal.


The Crown chakra is also known as Sahasrara chakra, which means "a thousand petals" in Sanskrit. It sits like a crown on the top of our head, radiatin energy and light upwards. This chakra is closely connected to the brain and nervous system, and is energetically also closely related to the root chakra, as they are the two extremities of the chakras system.
It is associated with higher awareness and states of consciousness, the sacred and formless realms, liberation from limiting patterns and beliefs, and at last pure bliss and presence in the Now.
It is the center through which we get into contact with universal energy and the astral realms.

Crown chakra colors: pink, purple, white

● A balanced crown chakra:
- connection with one's higher self
- balance between spirituality and worldly matters
- self-nourishing
- overcoming of addictions, blockages and patterns
- self-awareness and universal awareness
- energy and vitality
- alignment between work and passions

● An unbalanced crown chakra:
- confusion about one's purpose
- lack of inspiration
- apathy
- cynicism
- addiction to spirituality or being completely out of touch with spirit
- desire to oversleep
- poor coordination
- fatigue
- tension headaches

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an offering to the divine light within

Chakras are energy centres within the body, that play a role in regulating bodily functions, from physical to emotional processes.
There are seven main energy centres, and each one has its specific function and color, and is connected to specific organs and feelings.
In the hectic modern lifestyle often times the chakras are out of balance or even blocked, which causes disruptions within our bodies. Essential oils, herbs and crystals can help the chakras rebalance and heal.


The Crown chakra is also known as Sahasrara chakra, which means "a thousand petals" in Sanskrit. It sits like a crown on the top of our head, radiatin energy and light upwards. This chakra is closely connected to the brain and nervous system, and is energetically also closely related to the root chakra, as they are the two extremities of the chakras system.
It is associated with higher awareness and states of consciousness, the sacred and formless realms, liberation from limiting patterns and beliefs, and at last pure bliss and presence in the Now.
It is the center through which we get into contact with universal energy and the astral realms.

Crown chakra colors: pink, purple, white

● A balanced crown chakra:
- connection with one's higher self
- balance between spirituality and worldly matters
- self-nourishing
- overcoming of addictions, blockages and patterns
- self-awareness and universal awareness
- energy and vitality
- alignment between work and passions

● An unbalanced crown chakra:
- confusion about one's purpose
- lack of inspiration
- apathy
- cynicism
- addiction to spirituality or being completely out of touch with spirit
- desire to oversleep
- poor coordination
- fatigue
- tension headaches

White lotus, blue lotus, red lotus, siberian ginseng root, melissa

● White lotus: a potentr healing flower with a strong spiritual energy and healing presence. It works along and on all seven chakras and promotes feelings of relaxation and tranquillity. It is also a mild euphoric herb, which can help the mind feel content and uplifted. White lotus is a symbol for purity and peace, and as a flower that blooms from thick mud, it symbolizes the beauty and power of blossoming from darkness and hardship. It has been used traditionally for spiritual and physical healing, and as a tool for spiritual awakening and connection to the divine.

● Blue Lotus: this ancient flower was very popular in ancient Egypt, as it was used as a euphoric substance. It can produce feelings of tranquillity and relaxation, as well as a heightened sense of alertness. It can enhance dream states as well as sensory functions. Blue lotus promotes dreaming, lucidity in dream states and the remembering of the dreams afterwards.

● Siberian Ginseng root: this anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial root works wonderful for digestion, blood pressure issues as well as sleep issues. It promotes positive feelings and reduces stress, which also makes it an anti-depressant herb. Siberian ginseng tea is one excellent natural remedy for brain-fog and mental fatigue.
Besides, ginseng is great for kidney function, and it helps eliminate toxins from the body.

● Melissa (lemonbalm): melissa, or lemon balm, is a powerful medicinal plant that has stress and depression relieving effects. It can also help reduce anxious feelings, making this a wonderful plant for mood management. Further, melissa also may help with boosting brain function and alertness, besides relieving insomnia and other sleep issues.
The tea of this herb is also wonderfully soothing for digestion and might help with relieving indigestion and other digestive discomforts.
Other beneifts that have been found are headache relief, toothache relief and PMS relief.

Dosage: 1 teaspoon per cup. Add more or less depending on taste.

100% Natural | Vegan | No flavoring, aromas or coloring added.

DISCLAIMER: All of our products are handmade in our private property and have not been evaluated by the FDA. The ingredient information that we provide is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. The information we provide is not intended to represent or replace the advice of a medical professional. The buyer is responsible for testing for allergies and spot test products 24 hours before using them. Stop using immediately if an allergic reaction, redness or irritation occurs. We are not responsible for the misuse or reactions to our products. Usage is always at the buyer's own risk. Please reach out to a professional for any possible contraindications and/or interactions with medications. Always inform your doctor about all herbal remedies or supplements you are taking.

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