Sacral Chakra Tea
a blend to awaken creativity and pleasure
Chakras are energy centres within the body, that play a role in regulating bodily functions, from physical to emotional processes.
There are seven main energy centres, and each one has its specific function and color, and is connected to specific organs and feelings.
In the hectic modern lifestyle often times the chakras are out of balance or even blocked, which causes disruptions within our bodies. Essential oils, herbs and crystals can help the chakras rebalance and heal.
The Sacral Chakra, also known as Svadhisthana chakra, is the energy center of creative expression, manifestation and sexuality.
When it is out of balance, one typically experiences issues with "letting go".
This chakra also is attuned to the emotional body, and it is where our feelings, sensations and pleasure reside.
It is associated with the element of water and thus is dominated by motion and the constant flux of energy and thoughts.
Crown chakra colors: orange
● A balanced sacral chakra:
- being in touch with one's emotions and feelings
- healthy relationships
- healthy expression of sexuality and pleasure
- creativity and creative expression
- vivid imagination and fantasies
● An unbalanced sacral chakra:
- dependency or co-dependency in relationships
- unhealthy sexual behaviors or sexual expression
- feelings of guilt
- overindulgence and greed in worldly pleasures and never having enough
- feeling out of touch with one's emotions
- feeling stuck
- lack of sexual desire or satisfaction
st John's wort, mullein flowers, chamomile, orange zest, hibiscus, turmeric
a blend to awaken creativity and pleasure
Chakras are energy centres within the body, that play a role in regulating bodily functions, from physical to emotional processes.
There are seven main energy centres, and each one has its specific function and color, and is connected to specific organs and feelings.
In the hectic modern lifestyle often times the chakras are out of balance or even blocked, which causes disruptions within our bodies. Essential oils, herbs and crystals can help the chakras rebalance and heal.
The Sacral Chakra, also known as Svadhisthana chakra, is the energy center of creative expression, manifestation and sexuality.
When it is out of balance, one typically experiences issues with "letting go".
This chakra also is attuned to the emotional body, and it is where our feelings, sensations and pleasure reside.
It is associated with the element of water and thus is dominated by motion and the constant flux of energy and thoughts.
Crown chakra colors: orange
● A balanced sacral chakra:
- being in touch with one's emotions and feelings
- healthy relationships
- healthy expression of sexuality and pleasure
- creativity and creative expression
- vivid imagination and fantasies
● An unbalanced sacral chakra:
- dependency or co-dependency in relationships
- unhealthy sexual behaviors or sexual expression
- feelings of guilt
- overindulgence and greed in worldly pleasures and never having enough
- feeling out of touch with one's emotions
- feeling stuck
- lack of sexual desire or satisfaction
st John's wort, mullein flowers, chamomile, orange zest, hibiscus, turmeric
a blend to awaken creativity and pleasure
Chakras are energy centres within the body, that play a role in regulating bodily functions, from physical to emotional processes.
There are seven main energy centres, and each one has its specific function and color, and is connected to specific organs and feelings.
In the hectic modern lifestyle often times the chakras are out of balance or even blocked, which causes disruptions within our bodies. Essential oils, herbs and crystals can help the chakras rebalance and heal.
The Sacral Chakra, also known as Svadhisthana chakra, is the energy center of creative expression, manifestation and sexuality.
When it is out of balance, one typically experiences issues with "letting go".
This chakra also is attuned to the emotional body, and it is where our feelings, sensations and pleasure reside.
It is associated with the element of water and thus is dominated by motion and the constant flux of energy and thoughts.
Crown chakra colors: orange
● A balanced sacral chakra:
- being in touch with one's emotions and feelings
- healthy relationships
- healthy expression of sexuality and pleasure
- creativity and creative expression
- vivid imagination and fantasies
● An unbalanced sacral chakra:
- dependency or co-dependency in relationships
- unhealthy sexual behaviors or sexual expression
- feelings of guilt
- overindulgence and greed in worldly pleasures and never having enough
- feeling out of touch with one's emotions
- feeling stuck
- lack of sexual desire or satisfaction
st John's wort, mullein flowers, chamomile, orange zest, hibiscus, turmeric
● st John's wort: This wonderful herb can help you soothe anxious feelings and thoughts, it has mood stabilizing properties and restores hormonal imbalances. This herb also has pain-sedating properties too. St John's wort has scientifically been proven to also improve physical as well as emotional PMS symptoms, such as cravings, insomnia, headaches, negative emotions and fatigue, as well as pain and mood swings.
● Mullein: the scent and taste of this flower are very similar to that of honey, and gives a sweet tint to your cuppa. This flower is known mainly for its healing benefits on the respiratory tract, such as colds, coughs and bronchitis. It is alsoa great anti-inflammatory and sleep improving herb. It can also provide relief for some digestive issues and help your body release toxins more efficiently.
● Chamomile: this popular flower is mainly known for its calming effects, but is also an amazing immune system booster and stress reducer. It has been known to soothe anxious feelings, and to overall elevate the mood. Thanks to its content in glycine, which is a compount that relieves muscle contractions, this flower works wonders as a period cramp remedy. Chamomile also relaxed blood vessels, which also improves cramping.
● Orange Zest: the tea of this astringent fruit, when drunk in an infused tea, can help with lowering cholesterol, lower blood pressure and prevent overall disease in the body. It is a potent anti-inflammator and gives the immune system a boost, bringing overall wellness to the body.
● Hibiscus: this delightful flower is an antioxidant and nutrients powerhouse. It helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Hibiscus can protect the liver and alos relieve anxiety and depression thanks to its mood uplifiting properties.
The petals of this delightful flower have anti-inflammatory properties, can help with relieving constipation and calm hot flashes. The flavonoids that are present in this flower can help calm your nervous system and soothe negative emotions.
● Turmeric: this amazing and healing root has warming properties as well as anti-inflammatory properties, and can help with balancing irregular periods. The curcumin compount found in turmeric has been found to soothe PMS symptoms, as well as improve digestion. The curcumin compound found in turmeric has been found to improve overall digestion.
Turmeric root supports the detox organs, it rejuvenates liver cells and protects the organ from damaging substances.
Dosage: 1 teaspoon per cup. Add more or less depending on taste.
100% Natural | Vegan | No flavoring, aromas or coloring added.
DISCLAIMER: All of our products are handmade in our private property and have not been evaluated by the FDA. The ingredient information that we provide is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. The information we provide is not intended to represent or replace the advice of a medical professional. The buyer is responsible for testing for allergies and spot test products 24 hours before using them. Stop using immediately if an allergic reaction, redness or irritation occurs. We are not responsible for the misuse or reactions to our products. Usage is always at the buyer's own risk. Please reach out to a professional for any possible contraindications and/or interactions with medications. Always inform your doctor about all herbal remedies or supplements you are taking.